
My goal is the perfectly mastered craft and I consider it as a basis for my work. Keeping one’s profession at a high level is a process that never ends. It means learning to process new materials, trying new cuts and controlling new technologies. This implies patience, diligence and honesty. Develop craft is also very current at the time when such an art form is disappearing, as the masters in this field are vanishing. Many craftspeople rely on imported goods and the quality of work is often quite poor. Therefore, I also organize courses in sewing, which have a surprising response.


The Nicole Matéffy brand was created in 1999 when I started selling my first winter coats in the Flora Fashion Gallery in Prague. In 2001, I opened my own fashion studio in Ceske Budejovice. It is here that I sew custom designs, sell finished pieces and organize courses in sewing.

about me

Sewing has been our family tradition. My mother and grandmother used to sew and I had a desire to master this craft and do it in my way. After my dressmaking apprenticeship, I completed two years of specialized oriented studies. I gradually gained in manufacturing operation in practice. Shortly after finishing my apprenticeship, I went to work in Austria at a large company for the production of clothing (outerwear). After returning to the Czech Republic, I opened my first small tailoring room. After a few years, I moved to Prague to further my own development. I discovered Helena Fejková in the Lucerna Palace and I longed to move in this field. I started to work in her studio in the position of a tailor, but the position of cutter suited me more. I enjoyed this work for three years. Then I figured out it was time to move out on my own. I went to the Ceské Budejovice and opened my current Fashion Studio.

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